N头条>英语词典>instrumental role翻译和用法

instrumental role

英 [ˌɪnstrəˈmentl rəʊl]

美 [ˌɪnstrəˈmentl roʊl]

网络  工具性角色; 工具性的角色; 工具角色; 工具型角色




  • the semantic role of the entity (usually inanimate) that the agent uses to perform an action or start a process


    • The research purpose is to improve the literary work teaching effiency under the background of new curriculum reform, to make a beneficial attempt to change the instrumental learning phenomenon and to make the chinese course play an important role for students 'development.
    • A footstone of thinking for the construction of harmonious society, it plays a rational, instrumental and instructive role.
    • This study attempts to find out whether instrumental motivation plays a more important role in EFL for vocational college students than integrative motivation.
    • By playing beautiful music can not only inspire and influence the students 'emotions, promote intellectual development, but also can cultivate sentiments, purify the mind, which is instrumental in the classroom to music teaching plays an important role in the actual significance.
    • Instrumental support from relatives and social workers and its crime prevention must also play a role.
    • Based on the present situation of teaching material construction in China, we put forward some suggestions for the development of teaching material for primary school mathematics in China including topic design and open study model and enhancing the instrumental and applicable role of modern techniques.
    • By instrumental analytical methods, microscopic characteristics of the composite system were studied, the role of the polymer in the composite system was revealed.
    • Language is a basic subject in all subjects of elementary school, it is instrumental and humanism, it plays an active role in the school education.
    • Mr Chow played a leading and instrumental role in the HKO team of volunteers.
    • China's ethnic instrumental music plays a very important role in China's traditional music culture.